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Planning Special Events:
Decision Tree

This Decision Tree showcases the many permits required to host an event in Philadelphia’s public spaces. The Office of Special Events requires their Events application to be filled out for any event taking place in Philly, which is why it grounds our Decision Tree. As you answer the questions in the Tree, you will be guided to any relevant permits needed to be completed by following the lines to the left.


Our Repeat Information Tracker logs how many times the same information is asked for across all permits. It can be found in the bottom left of the document.


If a permit has associated fees, the box housing the permit will be shaded green. Related permit fees are found directly to the right of the permit's placement in the Decision Tree. The left column displays the permit cost and the right column tallies all permits applied for up to that point in the matrix. Some fees are service based, meaning the total cost will vary by event. 


To navigate to each of these permits, please visit our Metadata page.

All information pulled in 2023

created by Katie Hanford and Sidney Kuesters

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